7 Tips To Boost Your Productivity, Health, And Wellness At Work in 2020

8 tips for healthy eating
October 16, 2019
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With so much talk on social media these days about hustle and grind and never stopping, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling short. The current climate feels like if you don’t give it 110% every single day you’re not truly living. It’s, of course, important to fulfill your potential and pursue your goals, but the urgency and pressure to do can be overwhelming.  Since we spend an average of eight hours each day at the office, ensuring our workplaces are safe, happy, healthy, and productive is essential.
Given an average of eight hours of the day spent at the office, making sure your workplace if a safe, happy, healthy, and productive environment is essential.

It is easy to get so caught up in your work or a stressful project. As a result, your productivity dwindles, and you are left feeling exhausted, worn out, and unable to complete the simplest of tasks. Studies suggest that people who do not prioritize their health and wellness will see a correlation in their work. Poor engagement and lower quality work are the main results of inadequate health and wellness.

So as we head into 2020, let’s make this is the year we say goodbye to busy for busy’s sake. Make 2020 the year you honor the preciousness of life, create space for the things you value versus the shoulds, woulds and coulds.

This is the year you take ownership of the narrative of your life. This is the year we pay attention to what is happening inside of us so that we don’t precipitate the decline of our mental and physical health.

Easier said than done? Yes. But it has to start somewhere. And sometimes the best place to start is cleaning up your headspace so you can make room for the big, audacious challenges and experiences you want to undertake for 2020. However, the good news is that you can improve your productivity, health, and wellness at work with a few simple tips and tweaks.

  1. Eat healthier during the day.
    We all know healthy eating is imperative to overall health and well-being. But what you may not know is that healthy eating is also directly correlated with improved productivity at work. The food you choose to eat, especially while you’re working, influences mood and mental capabilities more than you may believe.
    Food can impact your cognitive function in both good and bad ways. For instance, an unhealthy lunch that consists of greasy fries and a burger will leave you unable to focus and in a slump for the rest of the afternoon. However, if you choose a meal filled with veggies, healthy fats, and protein, you’ll feel ready to power through the rest of your day and accomplish the rest of your goals.
    Although food’s role in our mental state is a complex subject, it’s helpful to understand food and its cognitive function relationship.
    So, pack a healthy lunch or order food delivery from one of your favorite healthy spots in town. This will help to ensure you’re making healthier lunch choices. If you’re not prepared, and lunch rolls around, you’re probably ravenous and will likely pick an option that is much less healthy out of desperation or cravings.
    Also, keep a stash of healthy snacks on-hand at the office. During your late afternoon workflow, grabbing a low-sugar protein bar, fruits, peanut butter, veggies, and dip, etc. will give you an energy boost and keep your blood sugar levels from dropping, meaning you will remain alert and productive until the evening.
  2. Develop stress-less habits
    High stress and anxiety reduce your ability to focus and be productive. If you find yourself distracted and you feel like you cannot get anything done, stress may be the culprit. Stress in the workplace leads to the following issues:
    Poor time management
    Strained interactions and employee relationships
    Inability to focus
    Sleeping issues
    Weight loss and weight gain
    Gastrointestinal issues
    This will impact the way your body and brain can function during the day. If you cannot manage your time well, you will not be able to complete projects on time. This will lead to procrastination or poor work quality. When this happens, you may feel shame or face repercussions from clients, which can lead to even more stress and poor self-esteem.
    To stress less, there are a few simple things you can do to stay calm and feel better. For example, taking a few deep breaths during stressful times will lower your heart rate and stress levels. Meanwhile, Lavender essential oil is known to promote feelings of calm, so keep a bottle at your desk to rub on your wrists to keep your head clear and stress levels low.
  3. Walk more
    Walking and exercise keeps you healthy and helps your body’s system run the way they should, most importantly the brain. Poor health is directly correlated to a loss of productivity. Here are three smart ways to incorporate more movement in your day:
    Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    If you work in the city, take a brisk walk to your favorite lunch spot instead of hailing a cab.
    Get up and make your rounds at the office, instead of sending emails.
    Taking a five-minute walk during your workday can improve your focus and attention span. Walking, standing, and moving around can also boost your mood and keep stress at bay. A study found that more frequent and shorter walks during the day is better than taking a long walk in the morning before work or after work.
    Study participants reported when they got up and walked around more often during the day, they were happier, less tired, and even craved less food. This suggests walking in shorter frequent periods keeps you happy and productive. Therefore, even a small amount of walking during the day can positively impact your ability to function at work.
    To stress less, there are a few simple things you can do to stay calm and feel better. For example, taking a few deep breaths during stressful times will lower your heart rate and stress levels. Meanwhile, Lavender essential oil is known to promote feelings of calm, so keep a bottle at your desk to rub on your wrists to keep your head clear and stress levels low.
  4. Upgrade your office chair and posture
    Believe it or not, poor posture is linked to poor productivity. Slouched shoulders, hunching over, bent back and spine, weird head position, and bad lumbar support are major issues that impact your health and productivity at work. Bad posture is also correlated with poor performance.
    Poor posture is linked to a variety of issues, including lower self-esteem and confidence, lack of collaboration, and overall worse health. Poor posture is also linked to depression, back pain, difficulty breathing, and headaches.
    Moreover, when your posture is bad, your body and spine are out of alignment. Bad alignment is strenuous on the body since it has to work harder to keep you upright, which can lead to chronic back pain. As a result, your focus is impaired as concentration veers to shifting in your chair or simply concentrating on the pain instead of getting work done.
    Sitting with a straight back, keeping your shoulders back, your neck as straight as possible, and not rounding your back are simple ways to make your posture at work better. Keep your computer screen at an angle to prevent looking down or cocking your head to the side all day.
    Get a lumbar support pillow to ensure your lower back is supported comfortably. This will also help keep your back long and straight.
    A comfortable desk chair is also imperative. If your chair does not support your back and neck, you will never feel comfortable, and your posture will suffer. Ensure your office chair suits your needs. Keeping your back and body in one position for the entire day is harmful. So, move in your seat, adjust your neck position, and change up any other common posture patterns.
    The mind, body, and productivity connection
    Ultimately, a healthy mind and body will make you a better leader and a more productive individual in and out of the office. Eat better, stress less, walk more, and diversify your posture to keep your productivity levels up. Give these simple tips and tricks a try and watch your health and productivity flourish as you have never felt before!

    5 Create Positive Habits.
    Every decision you make before you get to work taxes your mental energy, though you may not be aware of it. Pick a breakfast or two you like, an outfit that suits you, and stick to them. There’s a reason Steve Jobs wore a black turtleneck and jeans every day. When you’re not thinking about what to wear you can be thinking about what to create.

    6 Love And Laugh More.
    Love and laughter take the focus off of yourself. When you are less self-focused, you are less likely to obsess, loop and stress. Plus, it feels good. It’s an emotional release. If you’re not feeling the love, find something that puts you in the mood. Watch a video of puppies and babies if need be, or soldiers coming home and surprising their family. Go to a comedy club. Compassion opens your heart and builds empathy. Laughter releases stress, builds endorphins and, well, it makes you happy. You’ll like it.

    7 Sleep!
    Often our annoyance and frustration with the world and ourselves is simply due to a lack of quality sleep. Try to get to bed by midnight and sleep for at least 7-8 hours. If you feel well-rested with less sleep then listen to your own rhythm. We all pull late nights when we need to, but the incessant late night cycle will take a toll on your mental health. Find the right mattress and pillow, turn off the phone and tablet, and rest. There is plenty of great sleep music out there to assist.

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